Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm a Caffeine-Free Momma Wanna Be

Update for my prayerful, thoughtful, caring friends and family ...

Month three trying to conceive, and I was getting frustrated. I'm charting like crazy, following all the right timelines, and still nothing. Went to see the ob/gyn yesterday morning to get some insight.

After the initial interview, he says, "It's normal for a couple to try for up to one year. After that point, we consider you with having infertility issues and then we explore to see what's going on." I think he could tell by the look on my face, I was disappointed. As many of you know, we got pregnant the second month trying this last time. That plus the 40# I've gained since then, I have a feeling my hormones aren't quite regular. So, he takes me into the exam room, and does an ultrasound, and we discover that...

  1. I have polysistic ovaries. I haven't googled this yet, LOL, so I'm unsure as to exactly what that means. But it has something to do with cycles, because he said if I were having a period every six months or so, rather than monthly, we'd consider that a problem.
  2. I have a mild uterine prolapse. I knew that, it's been that way since Sammee's birth 9 years ago.
  3. I have a puffy uterus. Knew that also. No particular reason, it's just puffy. It's also retroverted/tilted. Again, no problem there.

Bottom line: The irregular periods plus my age (blah) plus the other mild issues may have my levels lower than normal. Doc says I'd probably get pregnant on my own anyway, but it could take up to a year (WHAT?). So he prescribed Clomid. Now we're talking, Doc. Will take the Clomid day two of the next cycle and, as the doctor put it, "GO CRAZY" with the babymaking :))

And as for the caffeine, I'm allowed none. I don't think he realizes what he's asking of me! But, for my own health, and to speed along the littlest one, I'm willing to quit !!


  1. polysistic ovaries is just that your ovaries have cysts which can make it hard to get pregnant

  2. I have polysistic ovaries. They are not a huge deal, but can cause some tiny issues. I had no problems getting pregnant and Sophie even shared some space with a cyst for a short time. Mine reduce greatly when I cut out the caffeine. They enlarge when I have too much. That may be why you are having to cut out the caffeine.

    I also have a similar issue to yours in the weight gain department, although I think you look fantastic!!! I did gain a similar amount of weight and I do think it was hormonally related to the situation I/we were in. Don't let it get you down.

    I'm thinking about you and YAY for the blog. It truly saved my life when I was on bedrest. It was my window to the world.
